Portal Randkowy Dla BBW Nr 1 w Internecie
Portal Randkowy Dla BBW Nr 1 w Internecie

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TheRealSexualCho Informacje o Profilu

Wiek 51 Z South Bend, Indiana - Online - Ponad 2 tygodni temu
Mężczyzna Szukam Kobieta

Podstawowe Informacje

Znam Następujące Języki Obce  
Widzę siebie jako osobę  
THIS SECTION IS A BIT LONG BUT I DID IT SO THAT YOU CAN SEE I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE AND THAT I AM AN OPEN BOOK. First of all I own my own business and travel and work quite a bit. I am looking for someone who want a relationship with a really good man. But wants to move somewhat slow as to be able to really get to know each other. If you want a really good man, who does not beat around the bush, gives it to you 100 then please continue to read. Warning The following is for mature and grown women If you are on games and or one of those type of women that talk about it or don't be about it I am not for you. I have a 3 year old daughter. Women tend to fall very fast for me because I am charming and a gentlemen and I love to give a beautiful women that I am courting lots of compliments. I am not a player and I don't play women. I am a good guy looking for a good girl. I know that sounds simple but you and I know that is a very hard thing to do. I am what is simply referred to as an enigma, yes I am that white unicorn. Let me explain. I am a gentlemen, I am educated, well spoken, have a career and future goals, I own my own car, got my own home, I know how to treat a woman and make her feel sexy and wanted and satisfy her every needs from head to toe; treat her like a queen etc. You know the type of guy girls always say they want to be with. Reality is most women really don't want that. Guys like me either get passed up or treated like dirt. I am looking for that woman that knows what she wants and does not play games, and really wants a Real Man!. If you are that girl please hit me back! Look if you have like multiple personalities, or your bi-polar, or a psycho-nympho or a borderline serial killer! Please keep it moving. I am a guy that is gonna be a major somebody someday and I need a woman on my arm that is beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, well spoken, educated, knows how to act in public, loves me as much as I will love her, thick in all the right places, and can rock a skirt and wear heels and make them bad boys look sexy as hell! A lady in the street and a FREAK IN THE SHEETS! I am a big guy 6'2" Built like a NFL LINEBACKER lol I take care of myself, I am funny, sweet, careing and the life of the party. I enjoy ethnic cuisine (Japanese, Thai, Filipino, Indian, Middle Eastern, French, Italian, Mexican...). I am a touchy feely person and VERY SEXUAL ( NO NOT JUST LOOKING FOR A SEXUAL PARTNER WE ARE ALL ADULTS HERE SO LET'S KEEP IT REAL!) I make my own money and am the CEO of a small business that I started Drake Enterprises this small corp is made up of a number of small businesses that I started. I am not Donald Trump but I wanna be someday. I work with kids and I love it. My business is diverse and involved with computers, sports and entertainment. Looking for a Fine, sexy, smart, woman with curves with great legs AND CAN WEAR SEXY HEELS and junk in the trunk (OR AT LEAST PACKING A GOOD HAND FULL LOL). Loves big SEXY BROTHA'S that know how to treat a woman. She needs to have goals, or a career and ready for a man that wants the world and wants to give his woman the world. I love all types of music, love to dance, I love to fish, my favorite sport is basketball, I am a great cook and great kisser whew! lol That's me in a nutshell. Bottom line is I am a good man and I consider my self a catch if you will. A big fish looking for the right bait to come along a lure me into that big bite lol. ARE YOU OUT THERE? Just a little more about me: I am a great cook I am a very good kisser I am a computer nerd lol don't tell anyone....I got an image lmfao! I am good at ironing I am good at giving massages and ACTUALLY give them I can sing and sing in more places then the shower DO NOT have a baby mama I AM A DANCING FOOL and will dance like no one is watching I know how to put the seat down I like to get physical and get their hands dirty I CAN WORK WITH MY HANDS BUILDING THINGS AND PUTTING THINGS TOGETHER Have read THE A

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Mój typ budowy  
Klika Dodatkowych Kilogramów
Mój wzrost  
6' 2 (188 cm)
Moje Oczy Są  
Moje pochodzenie  
Mój Stan Cywilny to  
Samotny/ Single
Mam Dzieci  
Tak - Czasami w Domu
Chcę Mieć Dzieci  
Nie Jestem Pewien
Moje Najlepsze Zalety To  
Moje Włosy Są  
Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki  


Mój Poziom Edukacji To  
Studia Licencjackie
Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To  
Własna Działalność Gospodarcza
Moja Specjalność To  
Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To  
Tyle Zarabiam Rocznie  
od $60,000USD do $74,999USD
W Domu  
Znajomi Odwiedzają Mnie Często
Jestem Palaczem  
Piję Alkohol  
Tak - Towarzysko


W Liceum Byłem Uważany Za  
Moje Zachowanie Społeczne Jest  
Zdystansowany, Niesforny, Głośny, Przyjacielski, Żartowniś, Imprezowicz, Wybuchowy, Flirciarz, Otwarty
Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To  
Religia/Duchowość, Rodzina, Posiłki, Ćwiczenia, Czytanie, Sztuka & Rękodzieło, Sport, Uczenie Się, Muzyka, Filmy, Internet, Gry, Chodzenie do Klubu/Baru, Tańczenie, Teatr, Podróże, Gotowanie, Uprawianie Ogrodu, Wędkarstwo/Łowiectwo, Gra w Karty, Kamping, Komputery
Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To  
Spędzanie Czasu z Przyjaciółmi, Imprezowanie, Zakupy, Przebywanie w Domu, Filmy, Relaks, Spanie, Klub/Bar, Picie Alkoholu, Czytanie Książki, Chodzenie Do Kasyna, Granie w Gry Komputerowe, TV, Pójście Na Koncert
Idealna Pierwsza Randka To  
Dinner, Dancing, mind blowing sex
Moi Znajomi Opisują Mnie Jako Osobę  
Przyjacielski, Ktoś Kim Chcieliby Być, Wyluzowany, Ideał, Zabawny, Flirt


Moja Religia To  
Uczęszczam w Nabożeństwach  
Mój Cel Życiowy To  
To become wealthy, Not to live beyond my means and to enjoy life to it's fullest!!!!
Mój Rodzaj Humoru To  
Mądry, Oschły/Sarkastyczny, Przyjacielski, Zabawny, Slapstic

Gust, Smak

W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam  
Wiadomości, Kreskówki, Dokumentalne, Komedie Sytuacyjne, Instruktażowe, Filmy, Sport, Talk Show, Powtórki
Jak Idę Do Kina, To z Reguły Oglądam  
Akcji, Fantastyka, Komediowe, Horrory, Thrillery, Dorośli
Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham  
Rap, Rock, Elektroniczna, Pop, Taneczna, Soul
Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po  
Wiadomości, Biznesowe, Komputery, Fikcyjne, Zdrowotne, Historyczne, Dom & Ogród, Horrory, Instruktażowe, Natura, Naukowe, Sport, Nadprzyrodzony
Mój Pomysł Na Rozrywkę To  


Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne?  
Dowcipny, Flirciarz, Moc, Spontaniczność, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Doskonałe Umiejętności, Poczucie Humoru, Atrakcyjny Wygląd, Troskliwość, Inteligencja, Pasywność
Czego Szukasz?  
I need a woman on my arm that is beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, well spoken, educated, knows how to act in public, loves me as much as I will love her, thick in all the right places, and can rock a skirt and wear heels and make them bad boys look sexy as hell! A lady in the street and a FREAK IN THE SHEETS! Looking for a Fine, sexy, smart, woman with curves with great legs AND CAN WEAR SEXY HEELS and junk in the trunk (OR AT LEAST PACKING A GOOD HAND FULL LOL). Loves big SEXY BROTHA'S that know how to treat a woman. She needs to have goals, or a career and ready for a man that wants the world and wants to give his woman the world.
Jakiego Szukasz Związku?  
Randka, Seks Oralny, Seks Analny, Tylko Chcę Umówić Się Na Seks